A person who belongs to any of the groups above can become a member by:

  • Fill the membership application form, attach a passport sized photograph and copy of the national ID/ passport .
  • Pay Kshs 800 being membership fee.
  • Deposit the minimum share capital- currently Kshs 7,000. (can be spread)
  • Commence monthly contribution to deposits min Ksh 500 per month
  • Next of kin information and copy of ID

Group & Joint Account membership

  • Dully filled application form & attach, Copy of registration certificate, Minutes of the group’s meeting resolving to join Trans-Counties Sacco, Constitution of the group, Copies of Identification cards, and passport size photo of the authorized signatories, List of group of members
  • Registration fee of Ksh. 800
  • Deposit the minimum share capital- currently Kshs 3,000 (can be spread)


    Trans-Counties Sacco offers easy loans to its members with very low-interest rates. Compared to banks, these loans are processed faster and have fewer requirements. Joining Trans-Counties Sacco helps young people cultivate a saving culture. This increases their borrowing capabilities thus enabling them to make more developments in life. Due to bank’s strict policies, it’s harder for young people to save with them. Trans-Counties Sacco belongs to its members and the community at large. If the worst scenario happens and our Sacco goes bankrupt, what happens? Well, members are only liable to the extent of their contribution. This means that your personal property is exempt from attachment. Our Sacco pays out dividends to its members at the end of every financial year. Depending on the interest on deposit and dividend on share capital, members receive their dividends 2 weeks after approval. This depends on the Sacco’s financial performance that year since the higher the balance, the higher the dividends.