About Transcounties Sacco

Trans-Counties Sacco Society Limited was established on 4th October 1993 as Kitale Tea Savings & Credit Co-operative Society Limited in 1993 under the Co-operative Societies Act to offer financial services to its members. The SACCO later in March 2011 rebranded itself as Trans-Counties SACCO Society Limited. The Sacco has been in existence for 24 years. The Society was registered under The Co-operative Societies Act (Cap. 490, Section 6(3)), Registration No. CS/6918. The Sacco Society is also a Deposit Taking Sacco Licensed by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) Membership & Coverage The founder members of the Society are largely drawn from tea farmers spanning Trans-Nzoia, Bungoma, Elgeyo Marakwet and West -Pokot Counties. The SACCO now has 4253 members, who include Tea farmers, business entrepreneurs, salaried persons, youth, women & self-help groups, CBO and institutions. At inception, Sacco drew its membership from tea farmers only; the Sacco has since opened up its common bond to include all other farmers, businessmen, welfare groups, churches, local schools and any other person who qualifies to be a member. Human Resource The society had 6 employees in 2011; this has since grown to 13 members of staff as close of 2019. Additionally, staffs have grown in diversity bringing on ICT, Audit, Marketing and Accountant.

Head Office & Branch Operations In 2012 the SACCO acquired its current headquarters in Kapsara Town Centre and commenced the process of putting up its own head office. With support from member’s contribution and prudent application of its resources, the head office was completed in 2014 and the SACCO moved in.

About Us

Trans-Counties SACCO Society Limited was established on 4th October 1993 as Kitale Tea Savings & Credit Co-operative Society Limited in 1993 under the Co-operative Societies Act to offer financial services to its members.

News & Events


Transcounties Sacco Society Limited, P.O. BOX 2965-30200, Kitale, Kenya.

+254718707005, Kapsara
