Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK)
The Co-operative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) is the National Apex Organization for Kenya's Co-operative Movement. Its membership consists of over 14,000 registered Co-operatives comprising the National Co-operative Organizations (NACOs), Co-operative Unions and Primary Co-operative Societies
Cooperative Alliance of Kenya (CAK) -
Co-operative Bank
The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited is incorporated in Kenya under the Company Act and is also licensed to do the business of banking under the Banking Act. The Bank was initially registered under the Co-operative Societies Act at the point of founding in 1965. This status was retained up to and until June 27th 2008 when the Bank's Special General Meeting resolved to incorporate under the Companies Act with a view to complying with the requirements for listing on the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE).
The Bank went public and was listed on December 22nd 2008.
Shares previously held by the 3,805 Co-operatives Societies and unions were ring-fenced under CoopHoldings Co-operative Society Limited which became the strategic investor in the Bank with a 64.56% stake.
Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited -
KCB Group
KCB Group is registered as a non-operating holding company which started operations as a licensed banking institution with effect from January 1, 2016. The holding company oversees KCB Kenya – incorporated with effect from January 1, 2016 – and all KCB’s regional units in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia and South Sudan. It also owns KCB Insurance Agency, KCB Capital, KCB Foundation and all associate companies.
The holding company was set up to among other things to enhance the Group’s capacity to access unrestricted capital and also enable investment in new ventures outside banking regulations, achieve operational and strategic autonomy for the Group’s operating entities and enhance corporate governance across the Group and oversight in management of subsidiaries.
Swisscontact -
KUSCCO has attained the highly coveted ISO 9001:2008 certification. The award represents KUSCCO’s commitment to the continuous improvement of service efficiency and effectiveness, customer satisfaction and superior performance in all business operations. This will also enable KUSCCO to compete effectively and to broaden its market outreach in the broader financial market.
The Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) is a statutory state corporation established under the Sacco Societies Act (Cap 490B) of the Laws of Kenya (the Act) which came into full operation upon the gazettement of the Sacco Societies (Deposit-taking Sacco Business) Regulations, 2010 (the Regulations 2010) on 18th June 2010.The principal mandate of the Authority under the Act as read with the aforesaid Regulations, 2010 has been to license Sacco Societies to undertake deposit-taking Sacco business in Kenya (popularly known as Front Office Service Activity or FOSA), and to supervise and regulate such Sacco Societies in Kenya among other things.
The Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) -